Departmental Directory
Lauderdale County Courthouse - 200 S Court Street - Florence, AL 35630
Absentee Voting - (256) 760-5713
Animal Control - Please call 911.
Board of Registrars - (256) 760-5840
Board of Education - (256) 760-1300
Circuit Clerk (4th Floor) - (256) 768-7598
Circuit Clerk (5th Floor) - (256) 760-5713
Community Corrections - (256) 768-7605
County Commission - (256) 760-5750
Detention Center - (256) 760-5771
District Attorney - (256) 760-5740
Domestic Relations - (256) 760-5715
Drivers License - (256) 760-5830
Farmer's Market - (256) 443-4998
Human Resources - 256-768-7559
Information Technology Services -
Juvenile Probation - (256) 760-5850
Legislative Office - (256) 766-3001
License Commissioner - (256) 760-5833
License Inspector - (256) 760-5745
Parks & Recreation - (256) 760-5878
Reappraisal - (256) 760-5780
Revenue Commissioner - (256) 760-5785
Road Department - (256) 760-5880
RSVP - (256) 760-5888
State Probation - (256) 764-4131
Veterans Affairs - (256) 760-5845 OR (256) 760-5814
Judge Self - (256) 760-5828
Judge Medley - (256) 760-5815
Judge Ben Graves - (256) 760-5825
Judge Powell - (256) 760-5822