Lauderdale County is currently administering business licenses levied under the provisions of Title 40, Chapter 12, and Title 34.
If you have a new business, click here to print an Application for Tax or License Number to complete for your business. Once you have mailed the completed application to us, we will review the application and determine if any licenses are due or may come due in the future.
Lauderdale County business licenses are valid for a fiscal year beginning October 1 and ending September 30 of the following year. All licenses expire September 30th of each year. You should renew your business license between October 1st and October 31st. You may receive a renewal notice in the mail. However, renewal is your responsibility; any notification is a courtesy.
State of Alabama Business Licenses - License fees are determined by the exact nature and type of your business. Some licenses require State Regulatory Permits in order to issue, such as auto dealers, food establishments, and air conditioning contracts.
If you have questions about State of Alabama or applicable Lauderdale County business licenses, please contract our License Inspector at (256) 760-5745.
*Note: Most cities located inside Lauderdale County require a city business licenses which will be in addition to state licenses. Please check with your local city to see if you also need to obtain a city business license in addition to the State license.